PO Box 767 | 108 Mile Ranch BC | Canada | keyboard@maddi.ca
Design is content with intent. Content without intent is noise. Intent without content is decoration. — Joe Sparano
Newspaper ad. Contrast is adjusted for the poorer quality of print.
Colour ad for newspaper. Simple colours used.
Magazine ad. Part of a larger campaign.
Newspaper ad.
Curved line with small circles is consistent with each design for this campaign.
Magazine ad, back cover, quarter page.
Newspaper ad.
For poster and fliers.
Fliers for tracking event.
Newspaper ad.
This ad went into a tourism magazine.
Another "adventure" magazine.
Local ads laid out surrounding a map of the area, given to tourists.
Magazine ad. (German versions done as well for foreign publication.)
"Business card" ad for newspaper in Vancouver.
Flier ad.
Published in German magazine.
11 - 17